Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hillary Clinton's Cleavage : Desperate Sex Appeal Gambit?

When cleavage is mentioned as a description of one of the Clintons, my first thought would be Bill's possible sinister cloven feet. Because Hillary's chest barely meets minimum standards. But an e-mail message from publicist Ann Lewis over at the Clinton Lie-Works was titled " Cleavage". Ms. Lewis was trying to generate money, sympathy and news coverage for her boss.

It happened that the calculating Hillary showed up on the Senate floor and made a speech showing off her indentation in a low-neck outfit. The outfit was commented on by a female Washington Post reporter as a deviation from Hillary's normal sexless rags. The Clinton's Lewis seemingly anticipating some comment from someone had the " Cleavage" e-mail reposte ready as somehow a slight to all female politicians. I think that this was just cover for Hillary to add some sex appeal to her campaign. It's a kind of political strip poker. Next she will start showing leg and ankle. And if that doesn't help, she will start raising her voice. And why the shift in tactics? The Clintons are nervous about Obama.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not a Hilary fan to begin with; Hilary showing cleavage, a political move or not, repels me even more!