Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dick Cheney: A Dead Hero Or A Live Criminal ?

" Today Dick Cheney gave his life for his country". That's how news reports would have carried the story if a Taliban suicide bomber was successful today at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Instead Dick was kept in his bunker and is still alive. Another dodged bullit by the 6-time deferred participant in the Viet Nam War. He also was a recent no-show with supporting testimony for his former chief-of staff " Scooter" Libby's perjury trial.

But the Dick is still with us. And he will continue to be dispised by most of the people around the world who know something of the misery that he and his cretin operative a.k.a. George Bush have created. It's funny. If he had died, he would be the honored dead. But he lives and will continue to be the despised criminal that he has been.

In a better government paradigm, scum like Cheney would never have had a postion with so much power. I.E. if war was only possible through a NATIONAL REFERENDUM.

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