Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How Many American's Care About Iraqi Elections?

Gee the Iraqi elections are tomorrow. Jeepers what will be the voter turnout? How will the Sunni's do? What about the Kurd and the Shiites? Anyone staying up late for the returns?

What about some perspective? Elections in America in the past 20 years have only drawn about a 50% voter participation. 2004 was a little higher. This would suggest that no more than 50% of American voters would be at all interested in a foreign countries results. Of that 50% who voted in the 2004 elections only half voted for Bush. So 25 % of voters presumably support an Iraq democracy and would be interested in the returns. But wait. In 2004 Bush's approval ratings and support of the war were double present polls. So that 25 % is more close to 12-15 % of voters who are presently supportive and interested in Iraq election results.

Truly this war has turned into a very special interest affair. Preemptive war is sill American policy. Iran and Syria look like they are the next targets. STOP FUNDING THIS WAR AND PULL OUT.

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