Tuesday, September 20, 2005

America's Needs too Big for Planet

a) A nasty hurricane one hundred years ago would have done less damage because of less environmental degradation and a population with an ethic of " can think, can do" would have engaged the challenges.

b) An American Empire foreign policy that requires obediece so oil will flow and the commerce of perpetual war will pay dividends.

c) Jobs are outsourced to other countries so corporations can make more money to support the 12.7% people in the poverty level who can't compete with foreign workers.

d) America's muscle-bound legal system among other examples requires an act of Congress regarding the personal choice of having a child.

Does government do for us what should be a personal responsibility? What's to be done? All politics are local. Local solutions preclude national problems. It's not perfect but perfection is the enemy of the good.

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