Friday, July 01, 2005

Federal Government Should be Outsourced to States : Low-Cost Producers

Outsourcing is costing America jobs. Why not apply that tactic to the inefficient Federal Government? Recent studies show the cost of government of all kinds and their regulations in the U S add up to app. $ 25,000 per capita. The bulk of that cost are the Feds. Because of those costs the U S is less competitive in world markets. By the way, our overpayed reps will be getting a $3100 inflation-indexed wage increase in January , 2006. This will bring their salary to over $ 165,000 per year. This does not include the medical benefits. Their pensions average over $ 100,000 per year with a 50 years of age starting pont versus $ 14,000 per year and 62 years of age for the rest of us in the Social Security System.

In contrast , 2004 saw the first drop in inflation- adjusted wages in a decade-the average worker lost ground with the app. $ 30,000 per year wage. The U S does not need high-priced government in a Darwinian world that only rewards low-cost adaptive behavior. Bring the government jobs back to the states. All politics are local. We can better keep a lookout for charlatans who we can stop from growing to a menacing size if they are in our midst. Also recent popular movements like border security and geenhouse gas cutbacks all started at the state level. Special interests have a lock on Washington. Let's dismantle that town.

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