Saturday, October 30, 2010
My Kind of Town (Chicago Is) ?
Abolish Presidency
President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society jump started the possibility for black president Barack Obama to become president. Between affirmative action, guilt merchandising and entitlemets it was inevitable that someone like Obama would become the chief executive. But guilt merchandising etc doesn't provide wisdom to its cause celebre minorities. And that's what we are missing with Mr. Obama.
To be fair, spoiled white, morons like George W. Bush shouldn't have gotten the job either. I think that the job should be abolished to prevent these catastrophic office holders. Power should reside in states at quasi-tribal levels.
Friday, October 22, 2010
How Soon Trade Wars?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What's Happening in Afghanistan?
Anyone else notice that deaths in Afghanistan are now termed "NATO"? A month ago deaths were broken down by contributing coalition forces. So far in October there are 49 NATO casualties. The coalition forces are 90% American. But it seems the powers that be in the miltary want to hide behind "NATO" death headlines so to somewhat cover their losing and ill advised war. The Viet Nam warmongers used a similar ploy when General Westmoreland wouldn't give the straight answers on the conflicts progress nor its death tolls. Afghanistan will soon be added tio the growing list of LOST American wars.
It's obvious that war for wars sake is an American guiding policy.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Reasons For Flash Crash:Published & Unpublished
Yesterday the SEC released its long awaited analysis of the Flash Crash that happened in May of this year. The agency concluded that a block of $4.1 billion of Standard & Poors E-Minis futures were sold by Waddell & Reed to hedge a postion. The dollar figure wasn't unusually large. But todays stock market includes ambient algorhythmic fast trading systems . These ambient systems make up 60% of daily volume. These systems are designed to front run legitimate orders rather than fill the orders. I.E. the roving Wall Street pirates steal rather than provide liquidity. They effectively multipled the Wadell & Reed order many times over and swamped the market at large.
All these systems and activities by the Wall Street thugs have been OKed by the S.E.C. Our government is stillowned by Wall Street.